Sound Service Electronics

Neve done right! Here is our head tech James with a Neve 1084 by BAE and aftermarket 8 channel rack that he serviced and corrected errors on. Contact us for a thorough factory service on your valuable Neve equipment.
We specialize in Service and Restoration of Vintage and Collectible Recording Equipment and other Pro Audio gear. Our service methods, techniques and attention to detail ensure consistent and reliable no compromise performance from your valued and valuable equipment. 15 years professional experience with top shelf brands including; Neve, Collins, Gates, UREI, API, Studer, Ward-Beck, McCurdy, Northern Electric, Ampex, MCI, RCA, Altec, Langevin, along with many other desirable manufacturers. This gives us the real world knowledge to service your gear correctly, with sensitivity and respect to the standards of quality and sound that is exemplified in the equipment itself. We make a laborious point of selecting the correct parts for your piece of equipment, based on hundreds of hours of sourcing, comparing and locating New Old Stock, Vintage, and New Correct Replacement parts. We are not content to use the same standard issue generic replacement parts for every piece of equipment that we service. You shouldn’t be either. The bits make up the sound. We also build custom gear, and custom builds of clone/repro equipment. Studio services, and a lot of other audio related stuff.
881/891 Guelph St. Kitchener,
Ontario, CANADA
Phone: 519-743-3512
Please Email or Phone to Schedule a Time to Visit
Regularly Available Hours (please confirm first)
Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 7:00pm
Saturday 11:00am to 9:00pm Closed Sunday
Other times may be available on request.
We do location calls for appropriate items.
Please contact us with your Emergency Issues
or Service and Restoration needs.